YouTube channel

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Basically just a bunch of boys filming their afternoon in Australia. Subscribe and join in on the adventure.
Featuring Patrick, James, Mechanic Dan and Liam.
This channel spawned from us just mucking around on the weekend doing the stuff we enjoy! then a few people started watching it, and now we make a video every Sunday and take you on for the ride!! :
We cover a wide range of DIY content, such as Camping, Offroading, and Mechanical work as we build up our dream 4x4s!
We try make our videos a bit of fun but also hope you learn somthing along the way!
With our name Aussie Arvos we also cover anyother content that sparks our interest!
You can check out our Website here:
Patrick :)
View description
Basically just a bunch of boys filming their afternoon in Australia. Subscribe and join in on the adventure.
Featuring Patrick, James, Mechanic Dan and Liam.
This channel spawned from us just mucking around on the weekend doing the stuff we enjoy! then a few people started watching it, and now we make a video every Sunday and take you on for the ride!! :
We cover a wide range of DIY content, such as Camping, Offroading, and Mechanical work as we build up our dream 4x4s!
We try make our videos a bit of fun but also hope you learn somthing along the way!
With our name Aussie Arvos we also cover anyother content that sparks our interest!
You can check out our Website here:
Patrick :)