Twitch account
Dec 25, 2014Location

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✝️ 🌎♥️🌲 #SirTessingtonIV ITS LITTRRALLY A CHOSEN DRAFT PICK #1stRound#TeamTesla #Supreme #TEAMTEZZY the children are depending on us #TyrannosaurusTesla! Elon is light years no #Buzz ahead of everyone else in coolness, he's showing what it's like to be actually cool um as in focused&indifferent XView description
✝️ 🌎♥️🌲 #SirTessingtonIV ITS LITTRRALLY A CHOSEN DRAFT PICK #1stRound#TeamTesla #Supreme #TEAMTEZZY the children are depending on us #TyrannosaurusTesla! Elon is light years no #Buzz ahead of everyone else in coolness, he's showing what it's like to be actually cool um as in focused&indifferent X
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FortniteMan life turning out to be kinda wild .... females might be outta hand... and I'm not even trying to be mean. ABBA upgraded me